Có 2 kết quả:

制伏 zhì fú ㄓˋ ㄈㄨˊ制服 zhì fú ㄓˋ ㄈㄨˊ


zhì fú ㄓˋ ㄈㄨˊ

phồn & giản thể

Từ điển Trung-Anh

(1) to overpower
(2) to overwhelm
(3) to subdue
(4) to check
(5) to control

Từ điển Trung-Anh

(1) to subdue
(2) to check
(3) to bring under control
(4) (in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status
(5) uniform (army, party, school etc)
(6) livery (for company employees)
(7) CL:套[tao4]